NUS - National University of Singapore
Old Houses and Abandoned Childcare Centre
Our first location takes us to the National University of Singapore, one that I have explored and done my fair share of investigations myself. But today other than some of the familiar places, we will explore some new places, including the childcare centre, the SDE dungeon and some reputedly haunted toilets at the Old Admin Building...
We got our investigation started by exploring some of the old houses located along a lonely stretch of road up on the hills beside NUS, where you can walk from Arts Faculty all the way to the Science Faculty. It was a long stretch of quiet road, and definitely dangerous if you were to walk along it at night...
Spooky tree that lurks behind the abandoned houses....
Faint orb on the top central left hand side of the picture above...
Strange art piece found beside a house. Cult piece?
"It was in 2003. I was still an undergrad in NUS, studying in my 4th year, and I was bored, so I decided to organize a trip with my group of friends to explore NUS. One of the places that we decided to explore was the stretch of road between Arts and Science Faculty. And one of the buildings included this particular house that was different from the rest... it had yellow grills on the 2nd storey of the house, as if to prevent people from falling off. What was the history behind this place? Well, then, we didn't know. It just looked different and more intriguing than the rest. So we decided to explore it...
As we approached the building, walking up a slope that lead to the foot of the house, one of my friends stopped us. He is a person who is very strong in religion and also had an ability to feel if danger is around. He will sometimes follow us along such explorations, as like a safety net to make sure nothing bad happens to us. My friend, H, told us that he does not feel its a good idea to proceed further, and we calmly walked away. Obviously all of us knew there was something, but we only asked H after walking down the slope.
He told us that he had a vision, as we were proceeding up the slope, that there was this particular old man, standing from the 2nd storey of the house, looking and waving at us. The waves were no ordinary wave. It was like he was beckoning us to come and join him in the house, a chilling thought by any means. H felt it was not right at all, and suggested we stop proceeding. Was the old man trying to appear friendly but yet had some sinister agenda, luring us into this place of unknown? H added on to to say that he had visions that the place held many little children who were sick and/or who perished in the building. It was according to him, a very depressing and sad place that held a negative past. All that drew a big question mark. Did some tragedy happened here before that made it abandoned, till this very day?
We often wonder to ourselves, what might have happened to us if we were to proceed on that night to explore the house. Would we have met with some unthinkable fate? Well tonight, H is not around as we visited this place. Many things have changed in fact. The house seemed to have gone through a new coat of paint, and the sign that says NUH Child Care Centre is not there as well. The house is now used as a store room. A new power box is being installed. And the doors are locked. So much for re-visiting this house. We walked around and took some shots of the place. None of us felt anything weird or experienced anything sinister. The photos of the place that we took also turned up uneventful...
We climbed up the 2nd level stairwell, but the doors to enter the house were locked. We noticed that a 2nd level window was opened. For ventilation purpose, more than anything else...
Ruins from the house....old squatting toilet....
NUS - National University of Singapore
When we reached the Old Admin Building, we realized that many of the places were already renovated. The old toilets of the past were now spanking clean and new. We stepped into the males toilet and off the lights, soaking in the darkness for about a minute or so. No feeling whatsoever. The only thing we felt was the spanking clean and nice smelling scent emulating around the toilet. Toilet spray or scent from the supernatural? Definitely toilet spray...
We ventured around the area, and noticed the little sphere-shaped security camera that has popped up at every level, almost every turn. I think if I am a ghost, i will also be very conscious of appearing. To be truthful the entire place was peaceful and calm. And with this I believe we have a verdict for this place being haunted.
School of Design Environment (SDE) Dungeon
Could this be the cranny that leads to the entrance of the dungeon? Turned up to be the wrong place...
We searched high and low...looking around for an opening to the dungeon....Any construction stuff?
Long stairwell that has a halfway point....could this be the one my friend described? Our hearts beat faster...
An opening! We found an entrance that looked like it led to some tunnel or dungeon!! But construction stuff IN the dungeon? What my friend said was that we will find construction stuff before and outside the dungeon! Well let's head into the place to see if it is indeed the dungeon!
Certainly looked like a dungeon, an underground place, hidden partially from the public. But the place was disappointingly small. We thought it was like a football field big, with many places to explore and looking dark and spooky. It wasn't. It was probably the size of two 5 room flat, flanked by a sloping hill of sand and stacked with loads of construction metal and wooden pieces. It was also not dark, as the light from the 2 entrance of this place made it visible.
Was a little hot and stuffy inside, but otherwise uneventfull. Even the orb that appeared in the picture above, on top of the stacked metal railings, is likely to be a dust particle inside this sandy and dusty place....
Other views of the urban 'dungeon'...
I guess the only mystery is the existance of this place. Why did NUS create an opening that lead to an underground of the buildings around SDE and not either lock it or seal it up? We can see the foundation beams on the ceiling of this dungeon...Will there be any risk of attacks from terrorist setting up something that may destroy the foundation beams and injure people from above? Maybe something the school should look at...
Overall I believe we can conclude that this dungeon is not haunted and there are no paranormal activities going on here. We were a little disappointed to be truthful, for we thought this was a potential scary place, especially upon the description of the place by my friend. Well, we trooped on back to our car as we walked through NUS at night...
Interesting looking tree that we chanced upon as we headed back to our car. Anyone knows what kind of tree this is? It looks like a hand, in a cup shape.
At night, the park is still a buzz of activity, the main carpark area and the benches beside are often supper gathering places for couples and groups of friends. However, venture deeper into the park and you will slowly be confronted with darkness and a ghostly silence. 3 potentially haunted places stand out: The infamous Parade Square, the inner Park and the Pontianak Pond. Stories are a plenty for these 3 places mentioned, and the former 2 places, the experiences were closer to heart.
At night and away from the main carpark, darkness engulfs Kent Ridge Park, making it a hotbed for paranormal activities....the following are some stories that were told about Kent Ridge Park:
"A friend of my who went out with a group of friends to explore Kent Ridge Park late one night were walking along the inner stretch of the park, away from the carpark area, when one of his friends suddenly turned really pale. He was so pale that he himself almost looked like a ghost. He refused to talk, but one of my friend's other friend, who sensed something amiss, told the rest to leave the area. The guy who turned pale later composed himself to tell the rest that while walking along the inner park where there were alot of trees on both sides of the path, he suddenly saw a lady in white fly from one of the trees to the other tree. He got so freaked out that he just turned pale and went speechless..."
"This happened pretty recently, back in 2007 i believe. One group of adults were leading a group of youths along Kent Ridge Park as part of a night hike under a center's programme. There was this particular youth who was very cheeky and had a habit of showing disrespect by making fun of people, teasing and just being very unkind in his words. At Kent Ridge Park, he was also making alot of taunting comments about ghosts and trying to boast that he was not afraid of such things. As they walked through the parade square, the usually talkative boy suddenly became very quiet and next thing the adults knew, he was suddenly behaving oddly and starting to talk in a strange language. The adults knew that he was being possessed. Several of the fellow youths had to hold the possessed boy down while saying some prayers that eventually helped to get the spirit out of the body..."
Picture of the infamous parade square, where I and my friends also had our very own's how my own experience went:
"But back in 2003, I went for an exploration of the place with a group of NUS buddies...we eventually walked down to the parade square and was moving around the area and soaking the atmosphere when suddenly, we heard one of the flagpole producing a 'clinking' sound...two of us proceeded near the flagpole and tried to see how the sound was produced, as there was absolutely no wind at all. We thought some animal could have made the sound, but there wasn't any. We felt real strange that it was producing that clinking sound, almost by itself. One of my friends who could sense things suddenly warned us that we should leave, and that he felt an evil presence around. And so we left the place, with the mysterious flagpole sound still in our minds"
We immediately kicked into action. We had a discussion with very soft voices as we were unsure what this sound meant and what it was trying to 'tell' us. Before the sound started we had already noticed that there was no strings attached to any flag poles, that means that if a clinking sound was made, it was the pulley on the top of the pole hitting against the pole that will cause the sound. Indeed, we were intrigued to see the centre pole swaying from side to side, and it was the ONLY pole that was shaking. The 2 poles beside the centre one remained completely still!
The intriguing part about the video was that the clinking sound had continued, stopped and continued for a while, but throughout this whole time, we felt no constant breeze at all. And yet the centre pole was shaking as if there was something strong that was either blowing against it or as if someone was holding onto the pole and pushing it from side to side. All these while though, both poles at the sides never shook or moved at all...As we stood there for a least 15 minutes since the sound started, we were still unable to give ourselves a good explanation as to what had happened. And we felt goosebumps even as we were debating what might be happening. The clinking sound had stopped but the pole was still shaking. And that was equally baffling...
It was as if something was telling us that it has the power to make the pole shake, create sounds, and make sound stop even as the shaking continued, almost defying logic and at its own free will. We continued to take pictures, and some of the pictures below revealed some stunning bluish orbs that people believe goes beyond the common dust particles, because dust particles do not create bluish lights...
Strange variety of different orbs that appeared in the photo above. The one on the left was a bright one, the ones around mostly normal looking, whereas the one on the bottom central right hand side seems bluish in colour..
Other parts of the parade square also seemed to have a variety of orbs all around, as if there were many people with us during our incident at the parade square. Every angle that you take, the pictures turned up eventful. Kent Ridge Park Parade Square is indeed a really intriguing place!
But none can be compared to the incident we had witnessed, all 5 of us, of the centre flag pole. As if it was apt, this picture above captured what appeared to be a clear, bluish looking orb right at the centre of the pole, as if it was the thing that was creating some sort of paranormal phenomenon by making the sounds and moving the pole. The rest of the 2 side poles had no orbs on them... In fact, in the following few pictures that we analyzed after our expedition, we noticed that there was a consistent bluish orb that kept hovering around the area near the flag poles, and the fact that it was moving around even as our camera shots remain relatively constant in location proved that the orb was not a dust particle or a reflection off the pole, because if it was so, the location of the orb would have remained in the same area's the sequence of pictures taken, starting from 1.31am onwards....
More than 15 minutes after the incident, we all felt that the clinking and the shaking of the pole, the defying of logic and the signs of warnings were indication that we were definitely not welcomed at the parade square. We decided to leave. But before that, we wanted to test if perhaps we climbed up to higher grounds, there may be wind above where we are now standing on the parade square that may make the pole shake. We climbed up 2 flights of steps, almost in line with the height of the pole. But no wind at all. Amazingly from a distance where we were up, we can still see the pole moving clearly. This time, instead of swaying from right to left, it appeared to be swaying from front to back! We continued observing for a good 5 minutes or so and it was still swaying front and back, but without any clinking sound at all... Wow as if the pole had the power to swing in any direction it liked. Ok that's enough.
We adjourned back to the carpark area, and sat on one of the benches to debrief and discuss what had just happened, in an attempt to make sense and decide on our next step. There were clearly too many unexplainable things that had happened that we had no answer to! The lack of wind, the pole moving without any force on it, the 2 side poles not moving, the clinking sound only on the centre pole, the sound stopping and continuing almost at free will, the change of direction in the moving of the pole....
It kind of got us a little bit freaked out, but we were quite bent that something paranormal was happening at the parade square, what it was, we have no clue. While there was some degree of fear and uncertainty, we were also excited and intrigued at the same time. This was Ghost Club SG first real test. We were determined to work on our hypothesis and either prove that the incident was merely an explanable phenomenon, or indeed something paranormal. We decided to make a trip back there see if the pole was still shaking or not.. but probably later, after we have explored other areas and also calmed ourselves down a little...
We proceeded onto the inner park, hoping to dispel the myth that there was an existence of a lady in white that flies from tree to tree. There were indeed alot of trees and branches in the inner park, as seen clearly in the pictures below:
These branches provide excellant standing ground for a variety of birds that inhabit this park, and a signboard along a pathway indicated to us the many birds that call this place home. Immediately, it was clear that it could be a bird that the person who my friend related the story he had saw on that fateful night. Adding on to the fact that it was in the wee hours of the morning, the person may be afraid and the consequence of human matrixing, he could have simply turned a simple white owl into a lady ghost (as described in the previous blog entry).
The walk to the pond was overall an enjoyable one, amidst the exercise at about 3 plus am in the morning... Certain stretch of the walk were darker, and certain parts we detected some scents. This included spotting a frangipani tree along the way that some people claimed the smell sometimes point to something paranormal nearby....
Only eventful pictures were some of these above of some orbs appearing near the pond...but no signs of any real Pontianaks lurking along the pond or within the trees....And this orb that was captured along one stretch of road that was particularly dark...
We ended off the Pontianak Pond hunt with a group photo, as we conclude that there was nothing paranormal about the pond and subsequently debunked this myth...
With the pond and the inner park explored, we returned back to the first experience we had of the parade square, in an attempt to try to make better sense of the things that happened in the first experience an hour plus ago...We just weren't satisfied with the many questions left unanswered. So when we reached the carpark we decided to go back to the parade square, but this time, via a different route. We were thinking maybe if the entity can see us coming, lets try to sneak up from behind the pole via another detour route, and see if we will be spotted.
From afar, we can still see the central pole shaking, but there was no clinking sound. It was still baffling because if the pole is shaking, the pulley should be hitting against the flag pole and creating the we stood there observing for about 15 minutes or so, Trainee Investigator Goatie wanted to proceed nearer to the pole, but Investigator MaXxx told us that he does not have a good feeling, and told us that we can proceed if we wanted to, but he will not. I then made a decision to respect the feelings of MaXxx and I called the team to end our investigation for the parade square, and return later on in the morning when the sun is up and test our hypothesis of the rigid VS loose flag we returned back to the carpark area...We then decided to proceed on to explore another area in the West, as we waited for sunrise....(conclusion of this investigation is at the end of this entry)
Boon Lay Avenue
Abandoned HDB Flats
Old Jurong Road, Jurong West, is our next destination. This stretch of road used to be open for public use, but somehow the road has since been sealed off and the roads closed. It's strange as LTA do not have the habit of making judgements to make a road and after that close it. Rumours has it that the road was under-used and therefore not practical to open it. But sinister rumours also included tales of the stretch of road being highly accident proned and the fatalities that resulted is because that road is like a gateway to the other world... It is indeed an interesting place to check out. Before the old road, there is also a whole neighbourhood of HDB flats that have been abandoned. Not sure why or what is intended of the place, but as it is, the neighbourhood is empty and has become a ghost town. There are lights along the HDB corridors but it still feels spooky...
Finally we explored the row of shops that were situated just beside the HDB houses are a common sight in Singapore...many of the housing neighbourhoods have that...but they certainly looked different when abandoned...Check out the interesting glow of the orb on the top right hand corner of this picture below....
That ends our investigations to the abandoned neighbourhood near Old Jurong Road...not much spooks, just plenty of abandoned blocks...the blocks and shops are still new and will probably make way for better usage of the land, maybe to build construction workers' dormitory. But while the government talks about increasing demand for flats but not enough supply of them, it is interesting why this neighbourhood has been abandoned and left as it is.....If we were able to explore the whole block, perhaps more can be experienced. But for now, haunting debunked!
Old Jurong Road
Closed public road, accident prone past
We walked over to Old Jurong Road after our explorations at the HDB flats, where it exists one public road that was closed off, for reasons unknown. It was a deserted stretch of road that had many accidents before in the past, and some mentioned that it is also a portal that leads to the other world...What we captured as we entered the old road was really something unexpected and blows open the world 'gross' and 'extreme' in the paranormal world...
So over powering that we struggle to even see the light from the street lamps....This has to be one of the most spectacular shots of orbs....or so we thought......
Actually, the truth is, it was nothing paranormal....But for some reason, the area around Jurong West at that time was really misty and smoky, as if there was some fire burning or raging somewhere. We actually could smell smoke, sometimes quite think, all around the place....and against the street lamps, we can actually see the smoke literally rising and moving through the light...and all the smoke manifested itself looking like orbs in all the photos we took. Scary as it initially looked, we can rationalize and realize how subjective the capture of orbs are, especially in the paranormal world. As mentioned, orbs may represent the presence of a paranormal entity as some paranormal scientist claim, but on the other hand, they may represent dust particles, reflected light or in this case, impurities in the air....which is why most often we don't define the capture of orbs as any conclusive evidence of paranormal activities, unless further backed up by physical experience of something other than the appearing orbs. In this case, we didn't feel anything much, except for the overwhelming smoke...
Not being able to investigate much, this trip will be rated as inconclusive, but the initial pictures certainly did stir up some imagination!
SPOOK FACTOR: undetermined
Kent Ridge Park Parade Square
Day investigation and conclusion to night experience
Finally, we waited until about 6.20am before we headed back to the Parade Square at Kent Ridge Park, to test on our hypothesis and the hunches that we have come up with after our lengthy discussion after the night experience...Just a summary of the strange phenomenon we had and our hypotheses:
There were 3 flagpoles, center flagpole was shaking side to side, but not the side two poles
The center pole has a weaker foundation to the ground whereas the 2 side poles were more rigid to the ground, hence causing the center pole to move easier if there was wind. By testing the foundation of all 3 poles will help us determine if the center pole was shaking because it was weaker....
Investigator Goatie tests out the center pole. Using one hand first, he shook the center pole. It was actuallyquite rigid and solid to the ground foundation. In fact when he tested out the 2 side poles, they were actually more shaky as compared to the center pole! This baffled us, because it was totally against our hypothesis! Our first test had already drawn up a huge blank. If scientifically the center pole was the most rigid compared to the side 2 poles, it is only logical that the side 2 poles SHOULD be the ones shaking if there were wind, instead of the center pole!!
Intrigued by the first test, we carried out other tests in a attempt to make sense of the strange phenomenon we had experienced...
The force of the wind had caused the pole to shake
We wanted to physically shake the poles to see if it was indeed possible that wind was the force behind the shaking of the pole, even though we didn't feel any wind at the time of the incident. By physically shaking the center pole, we realized it takes a considerable amount of force to recreate the shaking we saw. It was nearly impossible that the wind could have moved the pole as the center pole was the most rigid and it would take almost a mini typhoon to cause the pole to shake that violently. The shaking of the pole looked more and more similar to a person actally using both hands to push the pole using a considerable amount of was as if there was indeed someone physically shaking the pole.....With that our second rational explanation again threw up a huge blank to making the phenomenon clearer!
Assuming there was wind, the sound made by the pulley is a result of the wind
We sat down on the parade square and waited for breeze to come by...even as a breeze came by, it was no even enough to move the pole, let alone made the pulley hit against the we went back to the manual physical recreated the sound indeed...but even as we pushed the pole and allowed it to vibrate on its own after that, the sound was not the constant and consistent clinking sound we had heard for at least 20 seconds that night... The clinking sound we recreated were more erratic, inconsistent and had different variations of clink rather than the one we had heard. And wind certainly would not create that kind of sound too, it just didn't have enough force. Even if it is, the force would have to be constant to create that kind of constant just didn't make sense! We can also throw out this explanation...and that means its 0/3 things that we tried to prove rationally.
Other mysteries incluse this strange tree that we have been talking about. Take a look at the picture below. When the shot of the 3 poles are taken, the tree stands dead center, uncannily parallel to the center pole. And the horizontal branch makes it look almost like a cross. Is the strange phenomenon related to this weird tree that Investigator G remarked shortly before the pole started to move?
It is possible to create situation where the pole sways but without any sound
At about 7 plus in the morning, there were some tai chee people coming for their morning exercise. We tried asking one man if he has heard the pole made the clinking sounds or swaying before while exercising, as prove that perhaps wind could have caused the sound. The man answered weirdly, saying there is alot of wind here, it blows, it's a park, but not making any reference to the sound. If anything, the man is then the weird one... We tried again via manual means, as there was a slight breeze but it was not strong enough to make the pole shake. We tried different variations of force, most will make the clinking sound, except on one ocassion when it was a very gentle, consistent, particular shaking that made no sound. But it only lasted about 10 seconds before the erratic pole makes the pulley hit and make the clinking sound. This is different from the violent swaying we witnessed, but yet there was no sound at all....strange indeed. This almost defied logic....
With all the experiences, feelings, pictures captured and unexplanable phenomenon that we have, it is hard not to classify Kent Ridge Park Parade Square as being haunted. There was just too many mysteries and experiences that made it tilt towards the paranormal. And with this, we can conclude that this place indeed holds something more than the ordinary. What kinds of entities exist here, well, we still do not know. But certainly, the experiences warrant another re-visit to this place in the future...
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